Sunday, June 9, 2019

Picky Picky Picky???

If you asked me, I would honestly tell you that I am not a picky eater. I would have told you that anytime in the last 50 years. But then, the other day I was discussing food with a friend and I ended up saying “Oh, I don’t eat that” more times than a not-picky-eater would say it, which of course prompted me to think that perhaps I am a bit picky after all. So I then started to list off what foods I do not eat—not the weird ones that most people don’t eat, but any regular sorts of foods that I don’t eat, in an effort to decide if I am actually picky.

Things like Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Pickles, Any olives except black, Fish—all kinds. Veal, Miracle Whip, Vinegar, any eggs except scrambled, Oreos, Coke AND Pepsi, hot peppers, marshmallows, whipped cream, coconut, licorice…and yeah, I think I might be picky after all.

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in myself to discover this. I figured that since I ate all the things that regular picky people won’t, things like onions and mushrooms, I was obviously in the clear. Yes, the fish thing comes up often, but I’m far from the only person who doesn’t eat fish and I feel totally justified in that, mostly because it’s disgusting. I decided perhaps I was over reacting and I googled “picky eater” and picky eater test came up right at the top. This should settle it then! I ended up taking 2. Here are my results…..


So I have decided that I need to remedy this situation by becoming better about my eating—but not by eating any of that stuff on the list up above. I have already tried all that and its gross. I need new stuff to try that will make me less picky, but I would prefer it be delicious.

Anyone have any suggestions?


  1. I don't consider myself a picky eater, either. But, I am weird about eggs, root vegetables, and certain textures of meats. I would love to take that quiz to see what it would tell me.

  2. I also didn’t think I was a picky eater. But I totally am. I don’t like sauces for the most part. Which is weird. I don’t like mushrooms or olives, I’m allergic to shellfish so I mostly dislike everything from the sea as my bodies very advanced self defense system.

    But. I can always find something to eat.

  3. Mushrooms and onions are yummy. Goat cheese, disgusting! You don't need to change a thing. You be you. We can still be friends and I will happily take any stray pickles you have. YUM!
