Monday, June 10, 2019

Burned Out

I have been feeling a little burned out on my photography lately. Not for any one reason, but for a bunch of small little things that have got me feeling like I don't really want to pick up my camera. So I got a new lens, a macro, and I am trying out some new things that are just for me, just for fun, in an attempt to break the rut. Turns out there is a real learning curve to a macro lens and so I am starting a class later this week. But I did venture up north this weekend to visit a dear friend who is also a fabulous photographer and I got some time to practice. You wouldn't believe how many photos I had to take in order to get these in focus!

But honestly, I am most looking forward to shooting toys. Yes toys. I will have to think of more creative ways to place them, but it makes me laugh!

So here's to trying new things and doing things just for yourself. And just for fun!

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