Thursday, June 27, 2019

Carrots, Macarons and Time Management

I have been doing a macro photography class the last couple weeks in addition to this blogging every day thing and I have been trying really hard not to bore you all to tears with photos of flowers, besides the fact that it is a quick and easy blog post!

This week we did a lesson that really seemed to involve a lot of color theory, which was really interesting but hard for me to use because it isn’t something I know well. Certainly not well enough to incorporate it without constantly referencing the color wheel and the lesson videos, and I really didn’t have time for that.

Or did I? I didn’t feel like I did anyway, so I did what I always do when I feel like I have become too over burdened with things to do---nothing.

I bought these carrots a week ago with every intention of using them for pictures right away. Only I didn’t. The Hubs finally asked me today if he could cook them and that’s when I got my camera out and got to it. There were other ideas I had for them but I got myself so behind with time I didn’t do them.

Which all basically leads back to the other blog post I wrote about my time wasting and let’s you know I have not drastically improved in the last couple weeks. But I am still trying!

And also, frozen macrons are not as yummy as they look. Actually, they are not yummy at all. Buy them fresh or don’t bother. Unless you need them for a photography project.


  1. I always thought it was macaroons... but your two alternative spellings got the point across. :) Love the colourful carrots (colorful for you)... see what I did there?

    1. Macaroons are coconut. Macarons are meringue and what Melissa has photographed!
