The other day I read a meme floating around that said “I
used to walk into a room full of people and wonder if they liked me…Now I
wonder if I like them” and I realized something wonderful. While aging sucks,
with its wrinkles, grey hair and mysterious aches and pains, this silly meme
right here has managed to hit the getting older bonus on the head.
In your twenties it’s all about judging and being judged.
The majority of women at this age are so concerned with what everyone else is
or is not doing that they look like a giant collective of sameness. They are
the style setters, but it is only because they are so worried about what
everyone else would think if they stepped outside the verdicts of the masses
that they couldn’t help but appear to be interchangeable. It’s only people in
their twenties that you hear saying idiotic things like “well, everyone else
was getting married, so I did too” or “It seemed like a good idea- everyone
else was having kids.”
In your early thirties, the uniformity is set. Now the
worries upgrade themselves to what kind of car you drive, what kind of purse
you carry, and what kind of kitchen counters you have. There are only two types
of people that spend tons of time and money remodeling – those who have old
kitchens and bathrooms and need to do it, and people in their early thirties
looking to impress the Congregation of Clones. These are the school years – as
in which kindergarten is your newborn going to go to? What style of education
are you looking at for you 3 year old? What high school do you want to get your
eight year old to get into? The hive
mind is strong during these years.
Then you pass into your early forties. This is where things
start to loosen a bit. Not right away, but slowly. Your kids are not
necessarily friends with other kids just because they are you and the mom are
besties. You start to part ways with people over different school choices as it
becomes apparent that not all the kids are gifted. People move for jobs or
family reasons. The ties that bind you to the group are loosening and
snapping. It feels like a loss, but
actually it’s just the opposite. It is freeing you up for what comes next.
The mid to late forties. This is where you come into your
own. You have been through crisis’s, either your own or someone’s close to you.
Maybe it’s an ugly divorce or an unfaithful spouse. Illness and even death will
have visited in one form or another. You have teenagers, a phenomenon all its
own that calls into question every plan, every parenting technique, and every
single theory you ever had.
You don’t know it, but this is what you have been waiting
for. These experiences have a way of letting you know who your friends really
are. They are the ones you run to when you are in tears, they are the ones you
tell your deepest, darkest secrets to and they don’t even flinch. When everything falls apart, they help you
pick up the pieces with kindness. There is no judgment to be found with these
people. They have been through it too. They speak truth into your life with
only love in their hearts.
All of a sudden you will find that you don’t care who chops
their veggies on granite and who chops on formica, who has money and who
doesn’t. You won’t care whose kids are smart and ready for the best college and
whose kids smoke pot and work at the mall. You are too tired to give a shit
about anyone’s kitchen cabinets, shoes, or cars. Maybe you are fashionable,
maybe not. Some have run the gauntlet with you since your own childhood and
some have just appeared recently. It doesn’t matter because these are your people.
As you slap on your glasses to read the wine list and take a
good look at those still around your table it almost makes you look forward to
your 50’s.
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